Why AJAX is useless?

Why it’s useless in real applications? Finally, JavaScript doesn’t have any multithreading capabilities, except whatever comes implicitly from the web browser’s internal use of threads. Another reference: Multi-threading in JavaScript Only thing what javascript (thus AJAX) is currently capable of, is to imitate multithreading, which is 100% different thing than actual multithreading. So there we…

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Some nice code snippets

Code snippets. When doing tricks with Graphics 2D, it’s good to keep around utility to allow determining what different AlphaComposite operations are actually doing (in order to retain your sanity).

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Tig Tag – The Code Review Editor

Inspired by Tick The Code. Small utility which allows doing code reviewing without printing it into paper. Screenshot (v0.37a): Old screenshots: TigTag (v0.3a) TigTag (v0.36a) Usage: Marking code: Hit ANY key or SPACE or CTRL+V WARNING: Current version (v0.3 Alpha) may contain various defects (Send email if you find any…), and file storage format may…

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Random Points of Interest

Back to Basics: RMI Revisited | Javalobby Ghost in the Java Virtual Machine | Javalobby Optimising Computer Programs for Performance | Javalobby 5 Tips For Writing Interesting Technical Articles | Javalobby The Curse of the Swallowed Exception | Javalobby JSF Jumpstarter: Free PDF Book Download | Javalobby Why Many Java Performance Tests are Wrong |…

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Advanced MultiThreading in Swing

Usually when multithreading in Swing is discussed, then authors are regarding trivial issue of using ”SwingWorker” and such constructs for running worker threads from EDT (Event Dispatch Thread”. However, Swing design includes one rather different multithreading thing. Namely it’s possible to start multiple AppContext instances, and execute multiple EDT threads in single JVM. So lets…

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But It Works On My Machine…

But It Works On My Machine… As summary: difference between ”server” and ”client” JVM *can* cause big surprises in badly coded thread stop conditions. Additionally other random synchronized blocks can cause unpredictability in behaviour. I tested sample program, and there really was this big difference between ”-client” and ”-server”. Changing ”stopRequested” to be volatile caused…

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