Cameras, action: setup passenger to apache2

Our guidance sources shall be today: Install package OBS:Server:Unstable / rubygem-passenger Phusion Passenger users guide, Apache version How To Setup a Rails 4 App With Apache and Passenger on CentOS 6 Setting up Rails app on Apache with passenger – Rails doesn’t seem to load Now, when having all interesting source material in hand lets…

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Fixing EEEPC 900 left mouse button

EEEPC 900 has nasty hardware defect on it’s mouse buttons, which causes that they stop working after a while. I myself encountered issue, and discarded my eeepc into shelf to collect dust due to that. However, there seems to be cure for the problem, and it’s also rather easy to apply, and it seems to…

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Archos 70 Internet Tablet

Regardless of its’ technical issues, I’ve been reasonably satisfied with device. Considering the fact that 3G via bluetooth has worked reasonably and price was only 1/4 high end devices, device is OK. After all biggest problem with device isn’t actually related into this particular device at all, but is generic to all of these fancy…

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Khan Academy The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit organization with the mission of providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere.

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Opera Fullscreen mode

Shortly said, opera is interpreting ”full screen” mode to be media type ’projection’, which causes that plenty of badly made web sites render badly when turning on full screen rendering in Opera. Sadly, it’s impossible to ask every web site to patch their site, it’s time to turn into local fix: 1) Turn on user…

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Hectic events in life

And to counter-balance it, few nice bits for java references: Swing Components JXTreeTable Misc links Client Java Pondetring over Serialization Optimization: Serialization JSerial Fast Object Serialization uka.transport Fast Serialization Unsafe: neat, eh? Not so, and actually it doesn’t work (SecurityException). Unsafe exception Unsafe memory

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digg – GIMP Tutorials

Should try to learn how to use this, since sadly it seems to be currently only reasonable photoprocessing software in Linux. digg – GIMP Tutorials Too bad that it’s ugly GTK based UI which integrates very badly with desktop.

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