Evaluating traceur and babel in rails environment to see how well they behave in converting simple Ecmascript 6 file. Our competitors today are traceur-rails sprockets-traceur sprockets-es6 Notes: traceur-rails works for some cases but fails for ”let” statement sprockets-traceur seems to fare better than traceur-rails sprockets-es6 is not production ready yet (depends from beta version of…
Read moreQuick Small Buzy Gazelle Jumped Over The Tiny Fence
What’s in my mind now? Small project: – Setting up Rails to run behind Apache 2 * How To Setup a Rails 4 App With Apache and Passenger – Starting to use Ecmascript 6 for AngularJS * ES6 + AngularJS * Writing AngularJS Apps Using ES6 – Setting up ES6 transpiler for Rails * traceur-rails…
Read moreJavascript dependency hell
Okey, Scenario is this: There is two competing libraries for ”_” (aka. underscore) global variable. Libraries in question are ”underscore” and ”lodash”. Problem is that due to javascript compatibility dependency hell, it’s quite difficult to have only one of them. For example. in simple test project (either using Jam or Bower) I’m failing to accomplish…
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